Life in the future, what can we expect for technology?

Imagine life in 1970, when people used to think that by the year 2010 we would have insane amount of new technology such as flying cars, and lots of impossible yet fascinating technology, sound kind of funny right? I mean, we do have lots of new technology that back then could only be imagined, but not as insane as was expected. As of out current … Continúa leyendo Life in the future, what can we expect for technology?

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s superhero day!

Today, april 28 is international superhero day! a day where we honor all heroes, both fictional and real heros, this day is all about celebrating heroes who make us want to do good and inspire us to be better versions of ourselves. During all of our life time, we often tend to look and be inspired by someone; For some it might be a fictional … Continúa leyendo It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s superhero day!