Let me teach you how to prepare: Carrot Cake.

For a few months I have wondered what my gastronomy teachers will be like at university and the truth is that I cannot imagine what a class will be like in the gastronomy career, I only know that it will be incredible. Today I will be your teacher, and I will teach you step by step how to make a delicious carrot cake. Ingredients:-375 grams … Continúa leyendo Let me teach you how to prepare: Carrot Cake.

Pambazos & Rice pudding

These two recipes below formed a large part of my childhood because, every year since I can remember they accompanied me to celebrate September 15 with the pozole. Ingredients: 10 Pambazo loaves. 2 cooked white potatoes. 2 tender sausages. 8 guajillo chilies. 3 saladet tomatoes. 1 1/2 tbsp whole chili pepper. Oil Salt and pepper. Sour cream. Fresh cheese. Lettuce. Green sauce to taste. Preparation … Continúa leyendo Pambazos & Rice pudding


 Esta es una receta que recuerdo con mucho amor, pues cada año, desde que tengo memoria, mi madre  lo cocinaba para celebrar el 15 de septiembre. Ingredientes:  1 ½ Kg de pozole precocido (Maíz pozolero)   Cebolla  Ajo  Hierbas de olor  Lechuga  Oregano  Rábano  Chile piquin  1 kg de pulpa de cerdo cocido con cebolla, ajo y sal  8 Piezas de chile guajillo  3 Jitomates saladet  … Continúa leyendo Pozole

A Secret Family Recipe: Paella

Spring is approaching and who does not like a good recipe to share with friends and family? Today I will share my paella recipe (by my mother’s family) because it has always been a dilemma if it my dad’s or mom’s recipe is better … Mom’s Family PaellaIngredients (Serves 24)-2 kilos of rice for precooked paella-1 divided into 10 pieces-500 grams of pork pulp-20 cocktail … Continúa leyendo A Secret Family Recipe: Paella

El pez león y su buen uso

El pez León y su buen uso Pez León:  Este pez,  también llamado pez escorpión (erróneamente), proviene de la familia Scorpaenidae. Su hábitat natural son las lagunas costeras y arrecifes del Océano Índico y el Pacífico, pero es en el Caribe donde este pez se vuelve una especie invasora para los ecosistemas arrecifales y depreda muchas especies de la fauna local. Sumado a que no … Continúa leyendo El pez león y su buen uso

The Love Recipe for the Spice Day.

Today one more of my great-grandmother’s recipes. She would kill me for teaching you these beautiful and loving recipes. The Snow of Tamarindo Love. Ingredients: 4 1/2 cups of water 1 1/2 cups white sugar 2 cups of tamarind 4 egg whites beaten to the point of nougat Procedure:-Water, sugar and the main ingredient are mixed (in this case the tamarind of love)-The egg whites … Continúa leyendo The Love Recipe for the Spice Day.

Valentine’s Day part#2 El plato fuerte

Después de  una noche espectacular luciéndose con las entradas de «Valentine’s Day part#1», ahora toca lucirse con el plato principal, el  plato fuerte, que nos hará lucir este día. Este consta de tres recetas diferentes, de las cuales una es una Crema de Jitomate y las otras dos serán platillos principales que adornaran meticulosamente nuestro platillo principal.  (Soufflé de papa y filete a la mostaza) … Continúa leyendo Valentine’s Day part#2 El plato fuerte

Nutella chocolate cookies

Those who do not sometimes crave something sweet to calm the craving and pass the time, well this recipe for chocolate cookies with nutella will not only give you that craving you want, they will fill your life with love. Ingredients:1 1/2 cups soft butter3/4 cup of sugar1 egg2 tbsp vanilla extract.250 grams of flour.1/4 teaspoon of salt.45 grams of cocoa. Process: cream the butter … Continúa leyendo Nutella chocolate cookies

Christmas Recipe: Pork Leg in Adobo

Nowadays, who does not like to have a good Christmas dinner to spend with family, friends and even with pets! However, many times the recipes that come in the packaging (of turkeys, legs of ham from pork , pork in adobo, among others) are not the best, here I share a family recipe for pork in adobo which is the hit every year with the … Continúa leyendo Christmas Recipe: Pork Leg in Adobo

Scones: Delicious Classic Recipe

Scones are a classic recipe in the United Kingdom, which is used in most cafeterias as an accompaniment to tea, since it is neither sweet nor salty bread. They even come to be compared to biscuits. Ingredients: 4 cups of flour. 2 1/2 tablespoons of Baking Powder. 2 tbsp of sugar 1 teaspoon salt. 2 bars of mantiquilla (100 gr. Each) cut into 90 gr … Continúa leyendo Scones: Delicious Classic Recipe