DIY: How to Become a Teacher?

A good teacher is the basis of a successful education and for this to be so, it is necessary to have a series of personal and professional skills. Because teaching is not just transferring knowledge, it is much more, it is about knowing how to create the necessary conditions for students to learn to think and build their own knowledge about the world around them. … Continúa leyendo DIY: How to Become a Teacher?

5 Fashion trends for Spring

In this article you can find the new trends for spring 2021 and different ways to combine your clothes and look spectacular this year. The good news is that many of these spring fashion trends have appeared in previous seasons or are now in fashion this is better for your wallet and environment. you will see them everywhere this spring…if you haven’t already. 1.Oversized Shoulderpad … Continúa leyendo 5 Fashion trends for Spring

Regalos hechos a mano para San Valentín

El regalo más caro no siempre es el mejor y es por eso que este año es hora de buscar ideas en estos originales regalos hechos a mano para el Día de San Valentín. Son lindos, divertidos y harán que esa persona especial o amiga/o se sienta amada y se sorprenderá este año. 1.Globos y confeti Sin algunos globos y confeti, la fiesta de San … Continúa leyendo Regalos hechos a mano para San Valentín

Lovely Strawberry Matcha.

We’re starting off with this Valentine’s day themed drink that will make you fall in love with everything you do. Ingredients: 1/3 cup chopped strawberries (if you have them frozen it’s okay) 2 T granulated sugar 1 tsp matcha 1/3 cup hot water 1/2 cup whole milk Add your strawberries to a bowl with sugar and let them rest 15-30 min. When you consider them ready, put them in a blender until it’s a paste. … Continúa leyendo Lovely Strawberry Matcha.

Romantic picnic for Valentine’s day

Valentine’s day is getting closer and closer and you have no idea what to do with your partner. Don’t worry, in this article you will find decoration ideas for a very original concept. For the most romantic picnic, choose recipes that you don’t make very often or that contain higher quality ingredients. This can be hard to imagine, so here are some ideas to get … Continúa leyendo Romantic picnic for Valentine’s day

Nothing to do on Valentine’s Day? Check this out!

Are you spending Valentine’s Day alone?Don’t worry! February 14th is not only about celebrating love as a couple, it’s also about celebrating love in all of its forms, and there is no love more important than self-love. So… don’t be discouraged and take advantage of this day to pamper yourself!In this article you can find fun activities and movies to enjoy while eating your favorite … Continúa leyendo Nothing to do on Valentine’s Day? Check this out!

A Valentine with healthy distance

No ideas for Valentine’s Day? Are you alone this February 14? Don’t have money to give away something special? Well, this article is for you. February 14 is a very special day, where the importance of love is highlighted and that, despite the belief in its commercial origin, comes from long before. Specifically from the 3rd century in Rome and the death of Valentine, a … Continúa leyendo A Valentine with healthy distance

Make sugar scrubs for a beautiful & glowing skin!

What is the use of exfoliating? Exfoliation works to remove dead cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin, preventing it from breathing. Exfoliation accelerates this natural phenomenon by stimulating cell regeneration and surface blood microcirculation. For all this, the skin regains its softness and flexibility. It’s so much fun knowing what amazing things are included in the scrub and how all the ingredients … Continúa leyendo Make sugar scrubs for a beautiful & glowing skin!

How to make a nice vase to decorate any space in your home? 2021

This year we all want a fresh and new start, that’s why there’s no better way to start it than by decorating your home to feel in a different space and get out of your comfort zone a bit. Materials Glass vase Pearl stickers Glue White spray paint In any super market you can find this type of vases type fish tanks or even in … Continúa leyendo How to make a nice vase to decorate any space in your home? 2021

How can I decorate my room without spending money?

Few steps are required to organize and breathe new life into your room. Read on to learn how to add a new style to that intimate space without spending any money! 1.Organize your furniture Nothing is as simple as rearranging furniture.Just by moving the sofa, table, dresser, or bed, you may be surprised how good it can look. Even your room can look bigger depending … Continúa leyendo How can I decorate my room without spending money?

DIY: How to take good photos at home, without being a pro photographer.

How to take pictures at home? Here are some tips for you, whether you need or want to take pictures at home, whether with human subjects or not. Many people want to have on Instagram a little more aesthetic and artistic, that is why I give you some ideas to express yourself through photography and have a good time when you are bored at home. … Continúa leyendo DIY: How to take good photos at home, without being a pro photographer.

DIY: Elegant Thanksgiving decorations

Ximena Zavala Luque Many people think Thanksgiving is the biggest meal of the year. If you fall into this category, then you will not only consider Thanksgiving as turkey and pumpkin pie, but also as a lot of energy into table decoration. If you want an elegant, different and affordable seasonal decoration, we have some ideas that can immediately enhance your Thanksgiving table. WHITE and … Continúa leyendo DIY: Elegant Thanksgiving decorations