Are you tired of constantly having to eat at the same places and get the same food? Then I have the perfect solution for you! Last friday a new promising restaurant called «Casa Rivieras» was opened in Xaman-Ha center Playa del Carmen, the menu goes from your typical mexican things like tacos and guacamole but with a touch of European cuisine from countries like France, … Continúa leyendo NEW RESTAURANT ALERT!

OUR GOODBYE! Gen 2018-2021

So, this is it… Here we stand on our last entry of TP Times from this generation, the second generation who had to finish their senior year online … We just experienced half of our high school without our teachers and friends which is a bummer because , as my mother once said «one of your greatest years of your lives are probably during high … Continúa leyendo OUR GOODBYE! Gen 2018-2021

Shooting at Boston’s Playa del Carmen

Yesterday, Sunday, May 30, 2021 at approximately 9 P.M. Boston’s Playa del Carmen restaurant located on 115 Av with Constituyentes was shot by unidentified individuals who managed to escape. This morning, the Boston’s Playa del Carmen restaurant announced through a statement on its Facebook page that today the venue will be closed due to what happened last night. The restaurant implied that the most important … Continúa leyendo Shooting at Boston’s Playa del Carmen

Why is student’s day celebrated?

On May 23 of each year, the student’s day is celebrated in Mexico due to the commemoration of those who defended the student organization that originated in the UNAM in 1929 Through searches for information we managed to realize that in the 20’s, what was previously known as the National University, did not have the opportunity or freedom to make its own decisions since the … Continúa leyendo Why is student’s day celebrated?


Quintana Roo is getting closer to the red color in the epidemiological traffic light, being the only entity that registers uncontrollable growth of cases in the country. “In this electoral process, I call on each and every participant to adhere to the protocols in compliance with the measures that the health authorities have ordered. We are at an orange traffic light and getting closer to … Continúa leyendo QUINTANA ROO, RED LIGHT IN COVID AGAIN?

Are we coming back soon?

After 1 year of virtual classes, we finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. The school implemented new technologies in the classrooms so that teachers can teach us from the classrooms, which makes the classes more comfortable for students. We will probably return to school after Easter, if covid cases do not increase and the vaccination plan is not delayed, we could … Continúa leyendo Are we coming back soon?

A Spring Break Everyone Has Anticipated

Alexander S. Garcia After a year long of intense stress due to the pandemic, we have finally been blessed to say that people are now getting vaccinated, which means Spring break is right around the corner. It’s an ideal opportunity to begin arranging your next fun escape! Playa del Carmen is consistently a famous spot for spring breakers on account of the lovely beaches, amazing … Continúa leyendo A Spring Break Everyone Has Anticipated

It’s not possible: malls are already open, but schools are not!

Latin America and the Caribbean is the region that has been without normal school classes for the longest due to the pandemic. According to Unicef, at least 3 million students of this region will not come back to school, while this period goes on, the less chance there will be that many students will return. Malls opened since June last year, restaurants, non-essential stores, even … Continúa leyendo It’s not possible: malls are already open, but schools are not!

Marihuana: One Step Closer.

Marihuana for recreational use is one step away from legalization in Mexico. The Chamber of Deputies approved the law that regulates cannabis on Wednesday, but made modifications to the opinion that had been endorsed last November by the Senate, so it will have to go through the senators again before entering into force. This is one of the last steps in a legislative process that … Continúa leyendo Marihuana: One Step Closer.

Se Superan las 187,000 Muertes en México por COVID-19

Hace aproximadamente un mes reportamos que el COVID-19 era la segunda causa de muertes en México con poco más de 100,000 muertos, hoy en día se estiman al rededor de 187,000 muertos por el virus. Cabe aclarar que el gobierno Mexicano estimaba que el número de decesos por COVID-19 fuera de 60,000 muertos, y hoy en día se ha triplicado. Esto quiere decir que definitivamente … Continúa leyendo Se Superan las 187,000 Muertes en México por COVID-19

¿Conoces la historia de Marisela Escobedo?

El nombre de Marisela Escobedo Ortiz es uno de los más escuchados en México cuando se aborda el tema de mujeres activistas que murieron defendiendo su causa. Esta historia nos refleja la triste injusticia que se vive en México, nos muestra la cruda realidad y las partes que el gobierno encubre y justifica para mantener a la gente callada. Marisela Escobedo Ortiz, (12 de Junio, … Continúa leyendo ¿Conoces la historia de Marisela Escobedo?

Youtuber Rix arrested for the case of sexual abuse against Nath Campos

Agents of the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City arrested Ricardo «N», 29, a youtuber known as Rix, for his probable responsibility in the crime of attempted aggravated rape. A few weeks ago Nath Campos published a video in which he revealed that she suffered sexual abuse by Rix, an influencer whom he considered his friend. In this clip, the youtuber confirmed that after a … Continúa leyendo Youtuber Rix arrested for the case of sexual abuse against Nath Campos

Is it on march 1st when we will go back to school?

On Monday 22 of February Forbes uploaded an article where they stated that private schools were going back to classrooms. Goodbye to online classes? Is it true?! ANFE-ANEP(Asociación Nacional para el Fomento Educativo) announced that the first of march certain schools will go back to their classrooms and say goodbye to the zoomester. «Everything will be attached to the rule of law where the violated … Continúa leyendo Is it on march 1st when we will go back to school?

Has the mass vaccination program begun for Mexico?

During the month of February, Mexico received 3.3 million vaccines against covid 19. This must be divided by two, since there are 2 doses per patient, so it leaves us with quite a reduced number of people already vaccinated. If we take into account the project that the United States has, what we did in a month they are doing daily. But not everything is … Continúa leyendo Has the mass vaccination program begun for Mexico?

¿México más violento a raíz de la pandemia de COVID-19?

En el año 2020 se rompieron récords en México respecto a la violencia de género contra mujeres dentro de sus hogares, su convivio con su agresor es diario, ya que la mayoría de casos el agresor es un padre o una pareja sentimental. No es nada nuevo escuchar casos donde las mujeres son víctimas de diferentes tipos de violencia, hasta asesinatos, dentro de sus propios … Continúa leyendo ¿México más violento a raíz de la pandemia de COVID-19?

A Valentine with healthy distance

No ideas for Valentine’s Day? Are you alone this February 14? Don’t have money to give away something special? Well, this article is for you. February 14 is a very special day, where the importance of love is highlighted and that, despite the belief in its commercial origin, comes from long before. Specifically from the 3rd century in Rome and the death of Valentine, a … Continúa leyendo A Valentine with healthy distance

Invasión de Carabelas Portuguesas

Alexander Scott Garcia Quintana Roo 03/02/2021 En Playa del Carmen hemos recibido una horda de carabelas Portugues en las playas de Tulum y Playa del Carmen, en este momento se encuentran las playas en bandera amarilla. Todos los locales que visitan la playa están ayudando enterrándolas en la arena para proteger a la gente por ser picados de esta medusa. Las carabelas al ser picados … Continúa leyendo Invasión de Carabelas Portuguesas