Spider-man: No way Home. Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return to camera?

Lately all Marvel fans have their attention in the new movie, «Spiderman : No way Home». Since the recent trailer came out, on November 16, the theories about the multiverse and the reunion of the 3 spider-men have not stopped. Definitely, the new trailer created a chaos among fans, as a result of this, social networks have been the main tool where memes, fan-art, videos, … Continúa leyendo Spider-man: No way Home. Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return to camera?

Top 10 most anticipated movies coming in 2022

The last 2 years haven’t been exactly great for the film industry, with major productions being halted, moved around and delayed for a couple months or even years. Luckily, with the release of movies like «Dune» and «Shang-Chi: The Legend of The Ten Rings» , things seem to be picking up steam again, which makes it less likely that upcoming films get delayed again. Here … Continúa leyendo Top 10 most anticipated movies coming in 2022

Student’s MUST Watch Movies

If you are a student you must watch these amazing and inspirational movies that will teach you something memorable and make you take a different perspective on life. I assure you that they will motivate and teach us students from either schools or colleges, the value of hard work and proper education! 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 Freedom Writers (2007) Summary: «A dedicated teacher in a racially divided Los … Continúa leyendo Student’s MUST Watch Movies


Children’s Day is approaching and unfortunately there is not much to do due to the pandemic, so what is the best way to entertain our children? Well, nothing more and nothing less than watching endless movies on the different streaming platforms that exist today. That is why I bring you a list of «Top 7 Movies You Can See On Children’s Day» and the platform … Continúa leyendo NO MORE BORING ON THIS KIDS DAY!

Embrace Your Inner Kid With the New Movies of 2021

It has been a hard year, not being able to attend to our favorite movie theaters and watch the new premieres is something hard to miss. But despite that, there are some new releases that had all of us in the edge of our seats, the best part is that they will be premiered in online platforms so you and your family can enjoy them … Continúa leyendo Embrace Your Inner Kid With the New Movies of 2021

Top 3 Activities for Children´s Day at Home!

Since the begging of the pandemic, doing activities has been really challenging, movie theatres, malls, restaurants and many other businesses closed and thats why we bring you a Top 3 activities for children´s day at home! 3. Movie Marathon: When we were kids most of us enjoyed satying at home and watching movies with our parents, eating junk food and just relaxing for the hole … Continúa leyendo Top 3 Activities for Children´s Day at Home!

The best dressed at the oscars 2021

We all look forward to this great day as we were unsure if Hollywood stars would attend due to Covid. This awards season didn’t disappoint, and last night’s Academy Awards really were the icing on the cake. The awards ceremony scale is smaller than usual, but stars nominated in person can still participate. At the award ceremony, some of the most beautiful fashion dresses appeared … Continúa leyendo The best dressed at the oscars 2021

Todas las nominaciones a Los premios Oscar

Este domingo 25 de abril  es la 93. ª Ceremonia de entrega de los Premios Óscar”,  estos son todos los nominados a las 23 categorías.  Muchos de los favoritos por supuesto que están nominados, pero también ha habido algunas sorpresas. Abrimos el telón de las nominaciones de los Oscar 2021 con la categoría de: Mejor Actor Secundario: Sacha Baron Cohen, por “El juicio de los … Continúa leyendo Todas las nominaciones a Los premios Oscar

«The Green Mile» – A must watch movie

The origin The Green Mile is a movie based on the serial novel written by Stephen King in 1996. This novel was originally released in six volumes before being republished as a single-volume work. When it first appeared, one volume per month, Stephen King’s THE GREEN MILE was an unprecedented publishing triumph: all six volumes ended up on the New York Times bestseller lists—simultaneously—and delighted … Continúa leyendo «The Green Mile» – A must watch movie

Marie Curie in Netflix

The fascinating life of the two-time Nobel winner, Marie Curie, has been made into a film four times, since she was portrayed by Greer Garson in 1943 until today, when Rosamund Pike transforms her into Madame Curie. A feature film that comes to Netflix today with an unconventional story, which to relive the life of Polish physics and chemistry is based on the book Radioactive: … Continúa leyendo Marie Curie in Netflix

No more dubbing to Spanish in movies?

In Mexico there is a new cinematography law, article 8, which tells us that as of May 21, all movies in Mexico will have to be in their original language and with Spanish subtitles, even Spanish movies will have subtitles in Spanish. This law gave a lot to talk about and people began to ask what was going to happen to all the people who … Continúa leyendo No more dubbing to Spanish in movies?

Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

It’s women’s month and we should totally be supporting our female actresses. So here is a few movies and series with amazing actresses. This list we’ll be separated in categories so you can pick your favorite genre to watch. 1.- Divergent (2014) Our amazing actress Shailene Woodley plays a hardcore girl named Tris, she lives in a world where people are divided in categories called … Continúa leyendo Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

Libros que cobraran vida este 2021

El día de hoy vamos a hablar de 10 libros que se van a convertir en película o en serie en este 2021.   Cien años de soledad Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez gira en torno a la familia Buendía y a los numerosos descendientes del fundador del pueblo ficticio Macondo. Conocemos así a siete generaciones distintas, pero con muchas similitudes, que además … Continúa leyendo Libros que cobraran vida este 2021

I Care a Lot: Movie Review

 It’s J Blakeson’s newest film which we’ll be discussing today. “I care a lot” which you can watch right now on netflix. Rosamund Pike plays Marla Grayson, a court appointed guardian whose job is to take care of wards of the state. She is a professional caretaker legal guardian for elderly folks with money, an expert manipulator who worms her way through her relationships with … Continúa leyendo I Care a Lot: Movie Review

It was Dr. Seuss the author we all needed!

Dr. Seuss was a children’s book author he was no lawyer, but he was so famous he got his own National day in the United States in March and not May. On March 2nd I encourage you to grab some bacon and watch some of my favorite movies interpreted from his books, which are filled with cuties. All his books are filled with tri-syllables and … Continúa leyendo It was Dr. Seuss the author we all needed!

Want to know more about Mexico? CHECK out these movies!

On February 24 the Mexican Flag Day was celebrated. This day was declared by the then president of the republic Lázaro Cárdenas in 1940, this was in honor of the Independence made by Agustín de Iturbide on February 24, 1821. In this article you can find some movies that narrate events that happened through Mexico’s history, and some others that reflect Mexico’s essence. What I … Continúa leyendo Want to know more about Mexico? CHECK out these movies!