Sargassum On The Coast

The Mexican coast is being covered by a very unique raw material, sargassum seaweed. This sargassum has a brown/ orange tone which, in many cases, disturbs the beautiful blue ocean views. It has a really strong smell that intensifies as the heat goes up. They may create rashes on the skin and it creates an uncomfortable feeling as you swim amid them.  Overall, sargassum isn’t … Continúa leyendo Sargassum On The Coast

Sustainable Goals 2030

By: Lucía García «We have not yet adopted the pace of change necessary to be in line with the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development,» said the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The 2030 Agenda emanates from a 2015 UN resolution that establishes clear goals for a sustainable future, with internationally agreed goals in 17 areas such as poverty, hunger, health, climate action, … Continúa leyendo Sustainable Goals 2030

How ghost fishing silently kills our oceans.

It is estimated that 640,000 tons of fishing gear are lost or abandoned in the oceans each year. The killing of fish and other species, such as whales, dolphins, seals and turtles, some of which are in danger of extinction, is one of the many devastating impacts of these ghost gear. It is estimated that 640,000 tons of fishing gear are lost or abandoned in … Continúa leyendo How ghost fishing silently kills our oceans.


Los expertos señalaron que hasta el momento no se han publicado estudios revisados ​​por pares sobre el impacto de la epidemia en el consumo de plástico, pero el número de estudios es limitado, lo que indica que el consumo y la eliminación de plásticos y materiales médicos ha aumentado, lo que ha incrementado severamente el consumo de plásticos y materiales médicos.  Desde el año pasado, … Continúa leyendo CONSUMO EXAGERADO DE PLÁSTICOS DURANTE LA PANDEMIA DE COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates inequality and slows sustainable development

The Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2021 says the global economy has experienced the worst recession in 90 years, with the most vulnerable segments of societies disproportionately affected. An estimated 114 million jobs have been lost and around 120 million people have slipped back into extreme poverty. Only immediate political action can avoid a lost decade for the development of many countries. “What this pandemic … Continúa leyendo The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates inequality and slows sustainable development

Did you know…❓

Hello readers, here are some interesting and random facts about animals, to share with your friends. Have fun!!! ⚫⚫⚫ 1. Like a balloon! The chuckwalla is a reptile from Northamérica, when it feels threatened, it hides in the crevice between rocks and inflates itself with air, so that its predator cannot remove it. 2. Robin Hood under water… This is the Archer Fish, this little … Continúa leyendo Did you know…❓

Europe, US and several Asian countries are on track to achieve just 23 of the 169 Development Goals targets.

If current trends continue, by 2030, the member states of the Economic Commission for Europe will only achieve 23 of the 169 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Due to lack of data, the remaining 80 cannot be measured yet.  The study emphasized the need to «accelerate progress» to achieve 57 of these goals, while being less optimistic about the other 9 goals where «reversing the current … Continúa leyendo Europe, US and several Asian countries are on track to achieve just 23 of the 169 Development Goals targets.

Massive food waste, a problem not only in rich countries

The 2021 Food Waste Index released by the report shows that there were approximately 931 million tons of food in 2019, accounting for 17% of the total food available to consumers, and it was eventually buried in homes, retailers. , restaurants and other food services. . Dump. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and WRAP organization.  The weight of this food equates to approximately 23 million … Continúa leyendo Massive food waste, a problem not only in rich countries

Paraíso para algunos, destino letal para muchos/ Muerte Apátrida.

¿Qué ves, cuando pensamos en el Mar Mediterráneo?, vemos el paraíso con los barcos, las casas blancas en Grecia, las montañas, océanos, cuevas en Malta, para algunos hasta yates y picnics en islas desiertas y muy bellas fotos en Instagram. Cuando hay crisis, cuando hay algo por que pelear, como las mujeres, la libertad y la salud, los medios se mueven rápido, cuando hay noticias … Continúa leyendo Paraíso para algunos, destino letal para muchos/ Muerte Apátrida.

Bajan niveles de contaminación en costas de Cancún por escasez de turistas

Sabemos que la pandemia arrojó resultados positivos en consecuencia a la ausencia  de seres humanos en áreas naturales. Y estas noticias son un claro ejemplo de lo dicho. En comparación con los dos años anteriores, durante 2020 se reducirá significativamente la concentración de contaminantes en la zona costera de Cancún y Laguna Nichupté. El Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán (CICY), en colaboración con la … Continúa leyendo Bajan niveles de contaminación en costas de Cancún por escasez de turistas

Sector salud, el sector más menospreciado en México

ODS 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMIENTO ECONÓMICO ¿Cuál es el salario promedio de un doctor aquí en Playa del Carmen? El salario promedio por una jornada laboral de mínimo 12 horas es de $25,000.00 – $30,000.00 mensuales con una carga de trabajo excesiva, mucho estrés, y pocas horas libres, en el resto del país es diferente y con un peor salario, ya que, según la … Continúa leyendo Sector salud, el sector más menospreciado en México

¿Deberíamos preocuparnos por la salida laboral de nuestra carrera?

El covid-19 ha hecho cambios en los sectores laborales, pero no todo está perdido. Aprende sobre los posibles cambios. Todos sabemos que este no ha sido un año normal. Hemos estado dando clases o trabajando desde nuestras casas, no tenemos contacto con seres humanos que no vivan con nosotros y muchas personas se encuentran mal económicamente. Pero, ¿es eso lo único que ha afectado esta … Continúa leyendo ¿Deberíamos preocuparnos por la salida laboral de nuestra carrera?

Why Music Streaming Does Not Show LOVE For The Environment

Ever since IUMA (Internet Underground Music Archive) came out in 1993, we’ve been able to have everything we need in the palm of our hands. Music. We can create our own «home-made» playlists designed to perfection. To transport us to another period of time, remembering nostalgic moments, or maybe a series of tracks that complement our mood. And as time went on, more companies started … Continúa leyendo Why Music Streaming Does Not Show LOVE For The Environment

Latin America joins to restore ecosystems and prevent pandemics in the region.

The Ministers of the Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean adopted on Tuesday an innovative regional plan that contains ten actions to promote the restoration of terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems in this decade. The Decade, which was originally presented by the Government of El Salvador, is led by UNEP and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The Action Plan for … Continúa leyendo Latin America joins to restore ecosystems and prevent pandemics in the region.