My Three Extra Plus 23 Players for the Mexican Football Olympic Team

Just last month the Mexican under 23 team sealed its pass to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games (which will be played in 2021 due to Covid issues) with a good team led by Charly Rodriguez (Rayados) and Sebastian Cordova (America). Before we go into details, as many of you know, only players under the age of 23 can go to the Olympic games with the … Continúa leyendo My Three Extra Plus 23 Players for the Mexican Football Olympic Team

Marihuana: One Step Closer.

Marihuana for recreational use is one step away from legalization in Mexico. The Chamber of Deputies approved the law that regulates cannabis on Wednesday, but made modifications to the opinion that had been endorsed last November by the Senate, so it will have to go through the senators again before entering into force. This is one of the last steps in a legislative process that … Continúa leyendo Marihuana: One Step Closer.

Incremento de la pobreza gracias al COVID en México

Por Leonardo Ponce y Ximena Zavala Está claro que el COVID 19 ha tenido muchas afectaciones en nuestro país, las relacionadas con la salud tal vez son las más evidentes, pero el mal manejo del tema económico en nuestro país ha ocasionado que muchas personas hayan quedado en pobreza extrema en muchas ocasiones. En esta nota repasamos lo que fue el declive del manejo económico … Continúa leyendo Incremento de la pobreza gracias al COVID en México