Animals are not human property!

Cruelty in animal testing laboratories In the bright side, the European Union (EU), Israel, and India have banned the sale of any cosmetics or cosmetics ingredients that have been tested on animals. These marketing bans mean that companies all around the world will have to abandon animal testing for cosmetics they want to sell in these huge markets. The bans follow vigorous campaigning by PETA, … Continúa leyendo Animals are not human property!

It was Halsey who launched the newest beauty brand!

About face is here and it has caused some mixed feelings amongst all beauty lovers out there! Singer Halsey recently released her very own makeup brand and here’s what you need to know about it. The brand’s main message is all about self love, which we think is great! Their products are meant for both, natural and extravagant make up looks, and among their products … Continúa leyendo It was Halsey who launched the newest beauty brand!

Make sugar scrubs for a beautiful & glowing skin!

What is the use of exfoliating? Exfoliation works to remove dead cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin, preventing it from breathing. Exfoliation accelerates this natural phenomenon by stimulating cell regeneration and surface blood microcirculation. For all this, the skin regains its softness and flexibility. It’s so much fun knowing what amazing things are included in the scrub and how all the ingredients … Continúa leyendo Make sugar scrubs for a beautiful & glowing skin!