The man who taugth four generations of children how to be human

It was in 1968 that the history of American television would not be the same. On February 19, the first episode of 905, divided into 31 seasons with PBS would be aired. The host, Mr. Rogers, who defied educators, authorities, stigmas and criticism from many sides, opened his arms and sat next to thousands of children for 33 years. Continúa leyendo The man who taugth four generations of children how to be human

The best Disney restaurants to bring out your inner child

A trip to Disney World with the family can be a magical and unforgettable experience, full of memories that will be remembered for years. However, an important part of the trip that people often don’t consider is where to eat. If the right restaurants are chosen, these moments will be part of the collection of memories that they will obtain during the trip. CORAL REEF, … Continúa leyendo The best Disney restaurants to bring out your inner child

Best movies for kids…

1- DUMBO (2019) Fantasy / Adventure – All audiences In a circus in crisis, an elephant they call Dumbo is born. He’s small, but his ears are so big that everyone makes fun of him. Fortunately, the child’s life will change when he discovers that, thanks to them, he can fly. 2- MATILDA (1996) Comedy / Fantasy – All audiences Matilda, a girl with above-average … Continúa leyendo Best movies for kids…

Children’s day history

Children’s day has been celebrated in Mexico since 1924, when the government of Alvaro Obregón and the minister of public education stablished the official date of this celebration on April 30. They stablished that every mexican child has the right to receive special help when they are hungry, sick, disabled or homeless, to be helped first in extreme situation and they cannot be exploited for … Continúa leyendo Children’s day history

Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

It’s women’s month and we should totally be supporting our female actresses. So here is a few movies and series with amazing actresses. This list we’ll be separated in categories so you can pick your favorite genre to watch. 1.- Divergent (2014) Our amazing actress Shailene Woodley plays a hardcore girl named Tris, she lives in a world where people are divided in categories called … Continúa leyendo Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists