Cienfuegos back in México

A few weeks ago we talked about the ex-general Salvado Cienfuegos, aka. The Godfather. He was arrested in the United States and sent to jail with different charges, one of those being drug trafficking. The Mexican government said that they were never told that there was an investigation against Cienfuegos and that they were not pleased with the way the US government acted, this is … Continúa leyendo Cienfuegos back in México

Generals and Drug Trafficking

On October 15, the DEA finally found this mysterious figure who was nicknamed «The Godfather». Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, a former secretary of national defense during the last six-year term of Enrique Peña Nieto. Cienfuegos is known for using his power to grow his own cartel and fight other cartels with the Mexican army. There is also talk of the possible alliance between Cienfuegos and Peña … Continúa leyendo Generals and Drug Trafficking