Mexico Authorizes Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine; it is a single dose

The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) approved this Thursday the use of the vaccine against COVID-19 from the American pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson. Through its official website, the agency authorized the Janssen vaccine, a single dose, for emergency use, so it can be used for inoculation of the Mexican population. The Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, reported … Continúa leyendo Mexico Authorizes Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine; it is a single dose

¿Cómo se realizará la Gala de los Premios Oscar 2021?

Los Oscar 2021 se llevarán a cabo el día 25 de abril y utilizaran la implementación de «centros» para que los nominados con base en Europa, aparezcan en Londres y París. La noticia siguió a la primera y controvertida «regla de no-Zoom» de la organización, que tenía como objetivo alentar a todos los nominados a viajar a Los Ángeles para la ceremonia. En declaraciones a … Continúa leyendo ¿Cómo se realizará la Gala de los Premios Oscar 2021?

How Will The Grammys Look This Year

We all LOVE the Grammy Awards season, and after being postponed in January, everyone is ready for the show to start on March 14th. Schedules are finalized, the performers list is already released to the public (and we are SO excited), and everyone is waiting eagerly for the music industry’s biggest night, except for Ben Winston. Ben Winston is a television producer, that’s days away … Continúa leyendo How Will The Grammys Look This Year

This is what Michelle Obama needs to say about mental health during the pandemic

The former first lady Michelle Obama opened up about her own mental health during an interview, as well as in a new episode of her podcast, «The Michelle Obama Podcast». She spoke about her struggles with low-grade depression during the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges of 2020, encouraging Americans to speak more openly about their mental health. Obama revealed on her podcast that she was … Continúa leyendo This is what Michelle Obama needs to say about mental health during the pandemic

It’s not possible: malls are already open, but schools are not!

Latin America and the Caribbean is the region that has been without normal school classes for the longest due to the pandemic. According to Unicef, at least 3 million students of this region will not come back to school, while this period goes on, the less chance there will be that many students will return. Malls opened since June last year, restaurants, non-essential stores, even … Continúa leyendo It’s not possible: malls are already open, but schools are not!

The Impact Of COVID-19 On The Music Industry

With everyone locked down in their houses, music has become a great form of therapy and entertainment during these stressful times. Streaming figures would go through the roof, or that’s what everyone thought. It wasn’t just festivals like Coachella, Ultra Miami, SXSW. Tecate Pal Norte and World Tours were canceled, but bars, venues, and clubs were shut down, places where normally they were playing recorded … Continúa leyendo The Impact Of COVID-19 On The Music Industry

Is it on march 1st when we will go back to school?

On Monday 22 of February Forbes uploaded an article where they stated that private schools were going back to classrooms. Goodbye to online classes? Is it true?! ANFE-ANEP(Asociación Nacional para el Fomento Educativo) announced that the first of march certain schools will go back to their classrooms and say goodbye to the zoomester. «Everything will be attached to the rule of law where the violated … Continúa leyendo Is it on march 1st when we will go back to school?

Sector salud, el sector más menospreciado en México

ODS 8: TRABAJO DECENTE Y CRECIMIENTO ECONÓMICO ¿Cuál es el salario promedio de un doctor aquí en Playa del Carmen? El salario promedio por una jornada laboral de mínimo 12 horas es de $25,000.00 – $30,000.00 mensuales con una carga de trabajo excesiva, mucho estrés, y pocas horas libres, en el resto del país es diferente y con un peor salario, ya que, según la … Continúa leyendo Sector salud, el sector más menospreciado en México

Incremento de la pobreza gracias al COVID en México

Por Leonardo Ponce y Ximena Zavala Está claro que el COVID 19 ha tenido muchas afectaciones en nuestro país, las relacionadas con la salud tal vez son las más evidentes, pero el mal manejo del tema económico en nuestro país ha ocasionado que muchas personas hayan quedado en pobreza extrema en muchas ocasiones. En esta nota repasamos lo que fue el declive del manejo económico … Continúa leyendo Incremento de la pobreza gracias al COVID en México

Covid-19 Becomes the Second Cause of death in México in 2020

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the virus has killed thousands of people, and the cases keep growing. A few months ago, México was pronounced as the second worst country to live in during the pandemic. We can attribute most of the responsibility of this to the mexican government. Unfortunatly. yesterday INEGI (or National Institute of Statistic and Geography), announced that in 2020, COVID-19 became … Continúa leyendo Covid-19 Becomes the Second Cause of death in México in 2020

Everything You Need to Know About the New Strain of Coronavirus

Just like with the start of the pandemic, a new strain of coronavirus that causes Covid-19 was reported at the end of last year, December 2020, in the news media. It was first identified in the UK, known as B.1.1.7, and it’s been confirmed in 33 more countries. Meanwhile, a new strain was also identified in South Africa, being the cause of the new cases … Continúa leyendo Everything You Need to Know About the New Strain of Coronavirus

Humidifiers Can Protect You From COVID-19 This Winter – Research Suggests

It turns out dry air isn’t just bad for your skin. Winter not only brings snow and holidays, but plummeting temperatures too, and the colder the air gets, the less water vapor it can hold. The air gets drier, and research shows that low humidity can increase your chances of catching coronavirus, doubling the number of aerosolized particles. The way buildings are heated doesn’t help … Continúa leyendo Humidifiers Can Protect You From COVID-19 This Winter – Research Suggests

COVID-19 Vaccine, is it ready?

Covid-19 vaccine There is a new Covid-19 vaccine by Pfizer waiting to be authorized. Pfizer has requested an authorization for his vaccines in US. The UK has already ordered enough of the vaccine to treat 20 million people. It is still on process and they haven’t been officially approved. Pfizer and BioNTech expect to produce up to 50 million doses globally in 2020 and up … Continúa leyendo COVID-19 Vaccine, is it ready?

What we miss the most during this pandemic: TRAVEL POV

During this pandemic lots of things have changed, we are living under new normalities that we weren’t used to following: face masks, social distancing, working from home. But have you ever wondered, what do you miss the most from before 2020? A lot of people including me miss going to school, having lunch with friends at the cafeteria, or going out on a Friday afternoon … Continúa leyendo What we miss the most during this pandemic: TRAVEL POV

COVID-19 Testing: What Test Should You Get And How Often Should You Do It?

COVID-19 tests are more difficult to acquire than what we expected. In Mexico, the cost for a PCR test is between 1,300 pesos to 5,500 pesos, sometimes even more. The Antigen tests cost around 1,000 pesos to 3,000 pesos and the Antibody tests’ price is between 700 pesos to 2,000 pesos. So without the right information about the difference between the three tests, people are … Continúa leyendo COVID-19 Testing: What Test Should You Get And How Often Should You Do It?

Is it a Common Cold or COVID-19?

Winter. Beautiful season filled with happiness and joy. Getting ready for Christmas, setting up the tree, present shopping (always wearing a mask of course), decorating the house, and of course a stuffy nose. As soon as the temperature starts to drop just a little, we all know what comes next: sniffling a little bit more than usual. But in 2020 that sniffling can cause A … Continúa leyendo Is it a Common Cold or COVID-19?