Hace un tiempo el reconocido sociólogo, médico, y profesor de la universidad de Yale, Nicholas Christakis, dio su punto de vista e hizo ciertas comparaciones respecto a la pandemia que estamos viviendo y los llamados felices años 20.Los felices años 20 consistieron en un periodo en Estados Unidos recién pasada la Primera Guerra, donde la sociedad estadounidense vivió un periodo de auge social y libertad … Continúa leyendo ¿CUÁLES SERÍAN LAS POSIBLES CONSECUENCIAS DE LA “POST PANDEMIC”?

How Will The Grammys Look This Year

We all LOVE the Grammy Awards season, and after being postponed in January, everyone is ready for the show to start on March 14th. Schedules are finalized, the performers list is already released to the public (and we are SO excited), and everyone is waiting eagerly for the music industry’s biggest night, except for Ben Winston. Ben Winston is a television producer, that’s days away … Continúa leyendo How Will The Grammys Look This Year

Has the mass vaccination program begun for Mexico?

During the month of February, Mexico received 3.3 million vaccines against covid 19. This must be divided by two, since there are 2 doses per patient, so it leaves us with quite a reduced number of people already vaccinated. If we take into account the project that the United States has, what we did in a month they are doing daily. But not everything is … Continúa leyendo Has the mass vaccination program begun for Mexico?

Spreading Love Through Books

This Valentine’s Day Standard Management Company has decided to spread love by making a partnership with a non-profit organization, Spread the World Nevada, and give books to children. They are going to collect new and used books. They are facing a challenge because of the COVID-19 restrictions but they have managed to do a drive around Las Vegas where every house will be able to … Continúa leyendo Spreading Love Through Books

COVID-19 Is Back to a Moderate-High

Alexander Scott Garcia Playa del Carmen, Q.ROO 21/01/20 As we maintain the safety protocols, and increasing amount of citizens are reported to be infected with COVID-19, there has been 200 confirmed cases in the last 24 hours. The Governor Carlos Joaquin has stood up to make the call of limiting only 30% occupancy in any business throughout the North of Quintana Roo (Cancún, Playa del … Continúa leyendo COVID-19 Is Back to a Moderate-High

Will restaurants disappear?

Weekly Market Insight: January 14 Jan 14, 2021 at 12:02 a.m. By: Hapaki Lorenzo Thursday opening prices: USD/MXN 19.84 EUR/USD 1.21 EUR/MXN 24.07 Gold USD 1843.8 Oil USD 52.52 This last year has been fatal to bussines thanks to the grand recession, we are living through. With lockdowns being imposed every day on different cities, more than 12 million people have lost jobs not including informal jobs which include more than 50% of Mexico’s work … Continúa leyendo Will restaurants disappear?

Formula 1 modifies its 2021 calendar due to Covid19

The situation caused by the Covid-19 will not be easy to handle in motor racing during 2021. The Australian Grand Price has changed date, the main event opening venue will now be held in Bahrain on March 28, and the Albert Park race appears to take place on November 21, although it has not been confirmed by the Motor sport council. To avoid running out … Continúa leyendo Formula 1 modifies its 2021 calendar due to Covid19

How education changed in Mexico with the pandemic?

This past months have been very difficult for most students around the world. Many of us had the need to adapt to the new online education system without a warning and in the blink of an eye. We had to leave schools for good and lock ourselves in our homes due to the severity of the pandemic and the threat it represented for us. But … Continúa leyendo How education changed in Mexico with the pandemic?

The couple of scientists who are going to save us…

Yesterday the face of the scientists behind the BioNTech laboratory vaccine was revealed, which is 90% effective and is probably the one that we are going to inject to our entire Mexican population.This Turkish-German couple has already taken their vaccine to phase 3. They are the owners of the laboratory, and their lab’s stock is reported to have risen and the company’s value has reached … Continúa leyendo The couple of scientists who are going to save us…

A challenging year for mental health

Almost one billion people in the world live with a mental disorder. Every 40 seconds, someone dies by suicide for and depression is now recognized as one of the leading causes of illness and disability among children and adolescents.  “All of this was true, even before COVID-19. We are now seeing the consequences of the pandemic on people’s mental well-being and this is just the … Continúa leyendo A challenging year for mental health