Can love make you happy?

Were we born programmed to seek happiness? Yes, we are super sensitive to drama, suffering, and basically anything negative, however, the wiring of our brain is designed to seek pleasure. We are also programmed to be in a group, we are very social beings. Mirror neurons make us feel and copy others’ emotions, that is why a baby imitates the faces made by their uncles … Continúa leyendo Can love make you happy?

Top 5 most streamed reggaeton songs 2021 edition!

By Luciano Bermudez Rojkind 2021 has been a crazy year. The pandemic put the world upside down and had a lot of us feeling bummed but music was there for us to cheer us up. Reggaeton is a type of music that makes you want to dance, it makes you happy and heals your soul. Reggaeton was one of the most streamed music genres this … Continúa leyendo Top 5 most streamed reggaeton songs 2021 edition!

Niki Lauda, The Greatest Driver of All Time

Known for being one of the coldest and most calculating drivers in Formula 1 history, this Austrian driver proved again and again outside and inside the track, in my opinion, why he is the best driver ever seen. From his dedication off the track; to having to suggest certain changes for the car, so that it improves its performance; to his meticulousness and precision at … Continúa leyendo Niki Lauda, The Greatest Driver of All Time

How to prevent global warming?

Global warming is causing big impacts on our planet’s oceans, weather, food, and health. We should start with small actions in our homes to prevent the worst impacts of global warming. Nowadays factories, smoking, cars, airplanes, aerosol sprays, and constructions produce Co2 that causes the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect causes the melting of glaciers, intense rains, sea level to increase, and warmer seas that … Continúa leyendo How to prevent global warming?

Top 10 most anticipated movies coming in 2022

The last 2 years haven’t been exactly great for the film industry, with major productions being halted, moved around and delayed for a couple months or even years. Luckily, with the release of movies like «Dune» and «Shang-Chi: The Legend of The Ten Rings» , things seem to be picking up steam again, which makes it less likely that upcoming films get delayed again. Here … Continúa leyendo Top 10 most anticipated movies coming in 2022

How to Make Flour Tortillas

Hapaki Lorenzo For this amazing recepie I’m going to teach you how to make incredible tortillas at home. You can even have these done in under one hour if you are quick How I learned to make tortillas is actually a very simple story. I Was Hungry!!! There is a universal recepie for making flour tortillas, it goes like this: 1 Kg of Flour 2tsp … Continúa leyendo How to Make Flour Tortillas

My top 3 Worst Stars who were fired from their jobs

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. -Mahatma Gandhi It’s always time to put an end to a project or a job but it doesn’t always go well and many celebrities are fired before the end of the job so here are my top 4 worst job firings. Johnny Depp A few … Continúa leyendo My top 3 Worst Stars who were fired from their jobs

Last releases for the last entry!

Welcome to my last entry of TP Times! It has been a while since we have started posting here, right? Time flies. Lets begin with the entry! «Alcohol-Free» TWICE 🎵 You are my champagne, my wine I drink with my eyes.. My tequila, margarita, mojito with lime, sweet mimosa, piña colada.. ~ 🎵 TWICE QUEENS JUST CAME BACK!They are here again with a summer concept. … Continúa leyendo Last releases for the last entry!

OUR GOODBYE! Gen 2018-2021

So, this is it… Here we stand on our last entry of TP Times from this generation, the second generation who had to finish their senior year online … We just experienced half of our high school without our teachers and friends which is a bummer because , as my mother once said «one of your greatest years of your lives are probably during high … Continúa leyendo OUR GOODBYE! Gen 2018-2021

Student’s MUST Watch Movies

If you are a student you must watch these amazing and inspirational movies that will teach you something memorable and make you take a different perspective on life. I assure you that they will motivate and teach us students from either schools or colleges, the value of hard work and proper education! 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 Freedom Writers (2007) Summary: «A dedicated teacher in a racially divided Los … Continúa leyendo Student’s MUST Watch Movies

Best lessons from Ned’s Declassified School Survival that you should know!

The three main characters from «Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide» compiled a list of tips to help you deal with the bullies, insane school teachers and gross school lunches that every school has.  Today we’ll present to you some of these ageless tips. Tip #3.054T – It’s all about teamwork: So remember, when it comes to project partnership it’s all about teamwork. Tip #361.1 T-P … Continúa leyendo Best lessons from Ned’s Declassified School Survival that you should know!

Rating Iz*One’s Korean Title Tracks

Welcome to a new entry of TP Times! It has been a while since we started TP Times, and it’s almost coming to an end for us. New bloggers may come, but the memories will remain here. It’s the same with Iz*One. Even though they have already disbanded and new girl groups are debuting, their songs, their concerts, the memories they shared with Wiz*One (Iz*One … Continúa leyendo Rating Iz*One’s Korean Title Tracks

«Top 5 pics of famous people from their yearbooks»

«That clock you hear is the sound of your own heart. Sink your teeth into this life, and don’t let go.»-Lin-Manuel Miranda We are about to finish high school and many of us will be separated from our families and friends we grew up with. So today I’m going to talk about some famous people in their high school years. Merly Streep (1967) Right Before … Continúa leyendo «Top 5 pics of famous people from their yearbooks»

How ghost fishing silently kills our oceans.

It is estimated that 640,000 tons of fishing gear are lost or abandoned in the oceans each year. The killing of fish and other species, such as whales, dolphins, seals and turtles, some of which are in danger of extinction, is one of the many devastating impacts of these ghost gear. It is estimated that 640,000 tons of fishing gear are lost or abandoned in … Continúa leyendo How ghost fishing silently kills our oceans.

3 Tips To Survive School

As a celebration of the Students’ Day, we would like to share the following tips with you: Tip 1: If the school is looking for students to participate in competitions between schools, always participate. The project you do is most likely to be big and will have different subjects in it, with this project you will be able to exempt all those subjects that are … Continúa leyendo 3 Tips To Survive School

A Strategic Shield for Our Mental Health during the Pandemic

From my student self This is a very difficult stage in our lives, the world has changed completely as well as our society. During my research on this specific topic we’re talking about in this entry, I read about some easy ways to guide ourselves and improve our mental health in consequence of the situation we are living in. Let’s start with anxiety. The most … Continúa leyendo A Strategic Shield for Our Mental Health during the Pandemic