Can love make you happy?

Were we born programmed to seek happiness? Yes, we are super sensitive to drama, suffering, and basically anything negative, however, the wiring of our brain is designed to seek pleasure. We are also programmed to be in a group, we are very social beings. Mirror neurons make us feel and copy others’ emotions, that is why a baby imitates the faces made by their uncles … Continúa leyendo Can love make you happy?

Reflection: Am I happy?

The meaning of happiness is quite a complex concept. It is something that depends a lot on personal perspective, because of this, achieving true happiness is also quite complex. Happiness comes from within, it is affected by so many things, like the environment in which you are raised by your parents, the values that have been instilled in you or the personal goals that you … Continúa leyendo Reflection: Am I happy?