Can love make you happy?

Were we born programmed to seek happiness? Yes, we are super sensitive to drama, suffering, and basically anything negative, however, the wiring of our brain is designed to seek pleasure. We are also programmed to be in a group, we are very social beings. Mirror neurons make us feel and copy others’ emotions, that is why a baby imitates the faces made by their uncles … Continúa leyendo Can love make you happy?

OUR GOODBYE! Gen 2018-2021

So, this is it… Here we stand on our last entry of TP Times from this generation, the second generation who had to finish their senior year online … We just experienced half of our high school without our teachers and friends which is a bummer because , as my mother once said «one of your greatest years of your lives are probably during high … Continúa leyendo OUR GOODBYE! Gen 2018-2021

Regalos hechos a mano para San Valentín

El regalo más caro no siempre es el mejor y es por eso que este año es hora de buscar ideas en estos originales regalos hechos a mano para el Día de San Valentín. Son lindos, divertidos y harán que esa persona especial o amiga/o se sienta amada y se sorprenderá este año. 1.Globos y confeti Sin algunos globos y confeti, la fiesta de San … Continúa leyendo Regalos hechos a mano para San Valentín

Who’s Valentine and why does he have a day?

Contrary to popular conspiracy theories Valentine’s Day was not invented by Hallmark cards and in fact the very first time that Valentine’s day was proclaimed a day of celebration was by Pope Gelesius way back in the year 496 and most certainly Hallmark did not start producing Valentine’s cards way up until the year 1916. So if Valentine’s Day did not come from Hallmark cards … Continúa leyendo Who’s Valentine and why does he have a day?

2 anime series (and a movie) to make your Valentine’s Day special.

Welcome to a Valentine’s Entry of TP Times! When we think about what you could watch with your partner on Valentine’s Day options become usually limited and your head becomes blank. But here are some recommendations of anime you could watch on your day! Hotarubi no Mori e (The Light of a Firefly Forest) Lets start with the movie! Let me tell you the synopsis … Continúa leyendo 2 anime series (and a movie) to make your Valentine’s Day special.

What to expect when you get a girlfriend… Valentine’s Day edition

Valentine’s Day… is either a day full of hearts and pink flowers everywhere or a day where you can spend by eating ice cream and gossiping about other people’s relationships. What can you expect when you get a girlfriend? Here are some ideas: Expect to create a mini you Yes, obviously not aaaalll girlfriends, but some of them will be so amazed of what you … Continúa leyendo What to expect when you get a girlfriend… Valentine’s Day edition

The Love Recipe for the Spice Day.

Today one more of my great-grandmother’s recipes. She would kill me for teaching you these beautiful and loving recipes. The Snow of Tamarindo Love. Ingredients: 4 1/2 cups of water 1 1/2 cups white sugar 2 cups of tamarind 4 egg whites beaten to the point of nougat Procedure:-Water, sugar and the main ingredient are mixed (in this case the tamarind of love)-The egg whites … Continúa leyendo The Love Recipe for the Spice Day.

Movies for people who LOVE to be Single on Valentine’s Day

If you don’t have any plans for Valentine’s Day, here’s a solution for you! Just grab a cup of milk, some chocolates and a blanket and watch these movies by yourself because you don’t need anybody else. 1. Valentine’s Day (PG-13) Because how can we not start the list with this amazing movie. It has everyones favorite actors, it has drama, love and comedy. If … Continúa leyendo Movies for people who LOVE to be Single on Valentine’s Day

Nothing to do on Valentine’s Day? Check this out!

Are you spending Valentine’s Day alone?Don’t worry! February 14th is not only about celebrating love as a couple, it’s also about celebrating love in all of its forms, and there is no love more important than self-love. So… don’t be discouraged and take advantage of this day to pamper yourself!In this article you can find fun activities and movies to enjoy while eating your favorite … Continúa leyendo Nothing to do on Valentine’s Day? Check this out!

How is Valentine’s Day Impacting Our Economy?

Well, we all know this day is a great excuse to spend our money, from little details like a chocolate or a card, to a whole vacation and expensive dinner reservations. Shoppers have spent so much money regarding Valentine’s! Last year, they added $27.4 billion to the economy, according to the National Retail Federation. That’s more than the $20.7 billion spent in 2019, talk about … Continúa leyendo How is Valentine’s Day Impacting Our Economy?

A Valentine with healthy distance

No ideas for Valentine’s Day? Are you alone this February 14? Don’t have money to give away something special? Well, this article is for you. February 14 is a very special day, where the importance of love is highlighted and that, despite the belief in its commercial origin, comes from long before. Specifically from the 3rd century in Rome and the death of Valentine, a … Continúa leyendo A Valentine with healthy distance


February 14th is getting closer and closer and most of us all know what that means (Spending money on gifts for our couple / best friend). In previous years many people had no problems with spending money on roses and chocolates but this year is a different case, unlike other years, we are going through a pandemic which affected our wallet, that is why I … Continúa leyendo CHEAP GIFTS FOR VALENTINE’S DAY

Do you have an event coming up? Picnics Cancún is the answer!

Is your anniversary coming soon? or maybe it’s someone’s birthday? Look no further! @picnics.cancun is a Cancún based company. They work both in Cancún and Playa del Carmen over previous reservation. They have a variety of posible options to make your special occasion even more magical! They can be found on Instagram (@picnics.cancun), or contacted through email ( or WhatsApp (998 293 4222). Take advantage … Continúa leyendo Do you have an event coming up? Picnics Cancún is the answer!