Spider-man: No way Home. Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return to camera?

Lately all Marvel fans have their attention in the new movie, «Spiderman : No way Home». Since the recent trailer came out, on November 16, the theories about the multiverse and the reunion of the 3 spider-men have not stopped. Definitely, the new trailer created a chaos among fans, as a result of this, social networks have been the main tool where memes, fan-art, videos, … Continúa leyendo Spider-man: No way Home. Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return to camera?

Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

It’s women’s month and we should totally be supporting our female actresses. So here is a few movies and series with amazing actresses. This list we’ll be separated in categories so you can pick your favorite genre to watch. 1.- Divergent (2014) Our amazing actress Shailene Woodley plays a hardcore girl named Tris, she lives in a world where people are divided in categories called … Continúa leyendo Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

Marvel Movies & Shows coming out this year.

Marvel’s phase 4 was unfortunately delayed, due to Coronavirus shutting everything down. This means that all the films that were supposed to come to life in 2020 will come out this year. The order of how the movies were supposed to come out is also shifted. This has Marvel fans on the edge of their seats anticipating for what is coming next. The release dates … Continúa leyendo Marvel Movies & Shows coming out this year.

Disney+ NEW releases!

Last Tuesday November 17th, Disney plus finally arrived to Mexico! Everything your inner kid desires and more. Don’t miss the new series, movies and shorts that this platform offers! 1- The Mandalorian Release date – November 17, 2020. Genre – Drama / Science Fiction / Space Western Summary: «Set five years after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983) and the fall of the … Continúa leyendo Disney+ NEW releases!