While you were satying at home the Coronavirus vaccine was created

The coronavirus has affected us a lot during this time, a year and twenty-six days have passed since the first case of coronavirus in all this time the virus continues to spread and the number of infected has not stopped growing some countries managed to get rid of this virus but countries with a bad government have not been able to deal with this virus, … Continúa leyendo While you were satying at home the Coronavirus vaccine was created

Jeff Bezos and Amazon pharmacy.

Amazon just announced a few days ago that now we will be able to order our medicine through their delivery service. This is about to happen in the United States, and as a consequence, it is most likely that in Mexico it will take a little bit longer to arrive. Pharmacies are a serious thing, and Jeff Bezos knows it, so the delivery service will … Continúa leyendo Jeff Bezos and Amazon pharmacy.