«Inside the dating story of Riverdale Cast»

We all get excited when our favorite couples in series and movies start dating in real life and the cast of riverdale is no exception. KJ APA At only 23 years of age, the actor known for starring as his character Archie in the series, he has been involved with several women over the years, the most notable of which are : The model Corrine … Continúa leyendo «Inside the dating story of Riverdale Cast»

2 anime series (and a movie) to make your Valentine’s Day special.

Welcome to a Valentine’s Entry of TP Times! When we think about what you could watch with your partner on Valentine’s Day options become usually limited and your head becomes blank. But here are some recommendations of anime you could watch on your day! Hotarubi no Mori e (The Light of a Firefly Forest) Lets start with the movie! Let me tell you the synopsis … Continúa leyendo 2 anime series (and a movie) to make your Valentine’s Day special.