Marie Curie in Netflix

The fascinating life of the two-time Nobel winner, Marie Curie, has been made into a film four times, since she was portrayed by Greer Garson in 1943 until today, when Rosamund Pike transforms her into Madame Curie. A feature film that comes to Netflix today with an unconventional story, which to relive the life of Polish physics and chemistry is based on the book Radioactive: … Continúa leyendo Marie Curie in Netflix

Let’s talk about our dead genes!

In a 1972 paper, geneticist Susumu Ohno, an early leader in the field of molecular evolution wrote: “The earth is strewn with fossil remains of extinct species; is it a wonder that our genome too is filled with the remains of extinct genes?” And while this was decades before we sequenced the human genome, Ohno was right. Buried inside your genome right now are molecular … Continúa leyendo Let’s talk about our dead genes!

Is Geoengineering a necessary evil?

By the end of the 21st century, humanity is becoming desperate. Decades of heatwaves and droughts have led to unusually poor harvests, while the warming oceans yield fewer fish each year. In the tropical zones, millions suffer from famine and resource wars have made millions more flee to the north. As things quickly get worse, in an act of desperation, the world’s governments decide to … Continúa leyendo Is Geoengineering a necessary evil?