¡Loki la nueva serie!

Tom Hiddleston vuelve a ser el Dios del Engaño en ‘Loki’, su serie en solitario para Disney+ y Marvel Studios. La lista de Disney + de programas de televisión de Marvel Cinematic Universe continúa expandiéndose. «Loki» marcará el tercer programa de televisión de la franquicia Disney + cuando la serie de seis episodios se estrene el 11 de junio. Oh, espera, eso es correcto. Loki … Continúa leyendo ¡Loki la nueva serie!


Children’s Day is approaching and unfortunately there is not much to do due to the pandemic, so what is the best way to entertain our children? Well, nothing more and nothing less than watching endless movies on the different streaming platforms that exist today. That is why I bring you a list of «Top 7 Movies You Can See On Children’s Day» and the platform … Continúa leyendo NO MORE BORING ON THIS KIDS DAY!

Netflix’s Cliffhangers we need back

Netflix has a way of leaving people on the edge of their seat all season and never gives a straight answer, leaving room for season two in our stomachs. Unfortunately Netflix has been cancelling a lot of shows, even after confirming a second season, and it has made people very upset. Here is a list of amazing shows that got cancelled: 1.- Glow This amazing … Continúa leyendo Netflix’s Cliffhangers we need back

Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

It’s women’s month and we should totally be supporting our female actresses. So here is a few movies and series with amazing actresses. This list we’ll be separated in categories so you can pick your favorite genre to watch. 1.- Divergent (2014) Our amazing actress Shailene Woodley plays a hardcore girl named Tris, she lives in a world where people are divided in categories called … Continúa leyendo Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

Libros que cobraran vida este 2021

El día de hoy vamos a hablar de 10 libros que se van a convertir en película o en serie en este 2021.   Cien años de soledad Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez gira en torno a la familia Buendía y a los numerosos descendientes del fundador del pueblo ficticio Macondo. Conocemos así a siete generaciones distintas, pero con muchas similitudes, que además … Continúa leyendo Libros que cobraran vida este 2021

Marvel Movies & Shows coming out this year.

Marvel’s phase 4 was unfortunately delayed, due to Coronavirus shutting everything down. This means that all the films that were supposed to come to life in 2020 will come out this year. The order of how the movies were supposed to come out is also shifted. This has Marvel fans on the edge of their seats anticipating for what is coming next. The release dates … Continúa leyendo Marvel Movies & Shows coming out this year.