My Opinion on Social Media

For the past decade, people have protested against social media. Some say it separates us from what we want, that it makes us selfish, that you do not appreciate what you are going through. All these accompanied by reviews of the proponents mention things like «I can’t stay for dinner because my iPhone doesn’t have enough battery», » cold Paella because first we want to … Continúa leyendo My Opinion on Social Media

CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Sells First Tweet Ever as NFT for $2.9 million

Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, announced that he has sold the first tweet in history as NFT for 2.9 million dollars. Unlike other NFTs that have emerged in recent weeks, Dorsey decided to donate the proceeds to a fund earmarked for Africa. The auction winner was Sina Estavi, who now owns one of the most important digital «assets» of the social media era. The NFT … Continúa leyendo CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Sells First Tweet Ever as NFT for $2.9 million