Elon Musk: The brightest mind out there. (Predictions for the future)

Elon Musk has been arguably one of the most, if not the most influential character in our generation. He was born in Sudafrica in 1971 and started working in 1991, and he hasn’t stopped since. He is now the richest person on earth, but he is not like other wealthy people. Elon Musk has helped the world in many ways, as he is the founder … Continúa leyendo Elon Musk: The brightest mind out there. (Predictions for the future)

Life in the future, what can we expect for technology?

Imagine life in 1970, when people used to think that by the year 2010 we would have insane amount of new technology such as flying cars, and lots of impossible yet fascinating technology, sound kind of funny right? I mean, we do have lots of new technology that back then could only be imagined, but not as insane as was expected. As of out current … Continúa leyendo Life in the future, what can we expect for technology?


Technology is something that humans have developed and have been developed since a long time ago and it has been powering up and getting better every single second that passes. This enhances process and change in a lot of environments and has helped the human race do a lot of things that you can’t even imagine. Let us show you what the TOP 3 technology … Continúa leyendo TOP 3 TECHNOLOGY TRENDS

What’s New in «Assistive Technology» for People with Disabilities

In recent years, the average growth rate of so-called assistive technologies aimed at helping people with disabilities is close to 20%, and the Geneva-based World Intellectual Property Organization says these technologies are becoming increasingly popular. gradually becoming leaders. Consumer request. The result gives users the possibility of greater autonomy in their environment, work and family. -Robot helpers Products in this sector include home assistive robots, … Continúa leyendo What’s New in «Assistive Technology» for People with Disabilities

Un adiós a las escuelas tradicionales

La forma de enseñanza y las escuelas están cambiando radicalmente en cualquier parte del mundo.  Esta pandemia ha dejado más que hospitales llenos y desempleo, ha dejado nuevos métodos de enseñanza más modernos y en algunos casos más efectivos  “ Llegaron para quedarse” En muchos casos las clases y cursos en línea se quedaran así y considero que esta bien, siempre y cuando sepan manejarlo … Continúa leyendo Un adiós a las escuelas tradicionales

Gen Z, who are we?!

Generation Z, also called «centenialls» were born between 1995- 2012/15, our current age is 6 to 24 and there are 68 million of us . As a generation who was born with all the technology in our hands we are often called lazy, obsessed and unmotivated. Social media influences a lot of our decisions, and it also creates unwanted pressure and imposible expectations. We are … Continúa leyendo Gen Z, who are we?!

An intelligent facemask?!

Razer company just presented «project hazel» an intelligent mask that will allow you to face the new normal with protection that’s far from average. It’s the most intelligent mask ever created. Who’s the razer company? It’s a global company that has built  the world’s largest gamer-focused ecosystem of hardware, software and services. The world leading lifestyle brand for gamers. This mask will allow you: Active … Continúa leyendo An intelligent facemask?!