Spider-man: No way Home. Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return to camera?

Lately all Marvel fans have their attention in the new movie, «Spiderman : No way Home». Since the recent trailer came out, on November 16, the theories about the multiverse and the reunion of the 3 spider-men have not stopped. Definitely, the new trailer created a chaos among fans, as a result of this, social networks have been the main tool where memes, fan-art, videos, … Continúa leyendo Spider-man: No way Home. Will Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield return to camera?

The Disappearance Of the Wealthy Dorothy Arnold

Tales of the missing wealthy have always captivated the public’s imagination, and today we’re looking into one such case that’s more than a hundred years old, Dorothy Arnold. Dorothy Harriet Camille Arnold was the daughter of Mary Parks Arnold and wealthy perfume importer,Francis Rose Arnold.As far as anybody knew, she had a happy home life. On the morning of December 12th, 1910,the 25-year-old left her … Continúa leyendo The Disappearance Of the Wealthy Dorothy Arnold