Chiapas, un lugar inolvidable y un destino maravilloso

Chiapas; estado al sur de México con paisajes montañosos, selvas tropicales y bosques mágicos. Chiapas forma parte del Mundo Maya y es uno de los destinos más hermosos de México.  En este hermoso lugar te deslumbraras con cada cosa que veas, te puedes encontrar desde pueblos mágicos coloniales, lagunas, cascadas, zonas arqueológicas mayas en lo más profundo de la selva y un sinfín de riquezas … Continúa leyendo Chiapas, un lugar inolvidable y un destino maravilloso

The Most Surreal Places to add to Your Bucket List

6 Incredible places you need to visit before you die. Antelope Canyon in Arizona, United States This brilliant slot canyon, located in near Page, Arizona, is split into two different sections, commonly referred to as «The Crack». 2. Sea of Stars on Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives The surreal bioluminescence in the water is actually due to marine microbes called phytoplankton. The effect it has … Continúa leyendo The Most Surreal Places to add to Your Bucket List

What we miss the most during this pandemic: TRAVEL POV

During this pandemic lots of things have changed, we are living under new normalities that we weren’t used to following: face masks, social distancing, working from home. But have you ever wondered, what do you miss the most from before 2020? A lot of people including me miss going to school, having lunch with friends at the cafeteria, or going out on a Friday afternoon … Continúa leyendo What we miss the most during this pandemic: TRAVEL POV