Best lessons from Ned’s Declassified School Survival that you should know!

The three main characters from «Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide» compiled a list of tips to help you deal with the bullies, insane school teachers and gross school lunches that every school has.  Today we’ll present to you some of these ageless tips. Tip #3.054T – It’s all about teamwork: So remember, when it comes to project partnership it’s all about teamwork. Tip #361.1 T-P … Continúa leyendo Best lessons from Ned’s Declassified School Survival that you should know!


Children’s Day is approaching and unfortunately there is not much to do due to the pandemic, so what is the best way to entertain our children? Well, nothing more and nothing less than watching endless movies on the different streaming platforms that exist today. That is why I bring you a list of «Top 7 Movies You Can See On Children’s Day» and the platform … Continúa leyendo NO MORE BORING ON THIS KIDS DAY!

Let’s take a trip down memory lane!

Remember your childhood? When everything was joyful and sweet, afternoons meant having ice cream and playing with your neighborhood friends in your backyard. Life was so easy back then, but we grew up and all of that went away, so let’s take a moment to remember those precious times. Some of my happiest memories from my childhood were watching cartoons with my brothers, so what … Continúa leyendo Let’s take a trip down memory lane!

«The Serpent» New series on Netflix

This new series produced by Netflix tells the life of Charles Sobhraj, who with the help of Marie-Andrée Leclerc poses as a gem seller in different parts of different cities. However, after the murders he commits spread, he is the main suspect of the authorities who are looking for him, in such a way that they initiate an investigation to find his whereabouts. Sobhraj, manages … Continúa leyendo «The Serpent» New series on Netflix

Libros que cobraran vida este 2021

El día de hoy vamos a hablar de 10 libros que se van a convertir en película o en serie en este 2021.   Cien años de soledad Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez gira en torno a la familia Buendía y a los numerosos descendientes del fundador del pueblo ficticio Macondo. Conocemos así a siete generaciones distintas, pero con muchas similitudes, que además … Continúa leyendo Libros que cobraran vida este 2021

EUPHORIA Special Episode Part 1: «Trouble Don’t Last Always.»

By now everybody knows the «new» HBO show Euphoria, if you don’t know it then get out of your rock, watch it and come back to read this note. The first season ended with a huge, what if? and while they have kept us waiting for the second season to come out they have now released 2 Christmas specials in which we get to see … Continúa leyendo EUPHORIA Special Episode Part 1: «Trouble Don’t Last Always.»

Top 5 K-Dramas in Netflix

Looking for something new to watch on Netflix? Here is a top 5 K-Dramas for you! 1 . Start-Up Synopsis: Seo Dal-mi wants to be the next Steve Jobs but in South Korea, while Nam Do-sam is the president of the company Samsan Tech. Seo Dal-mi plans to create her own company, so she drops out of school and gets a mid-time job. While, Samsan … Continúa leyendo Top 5 K-Dramas in Netflix

Top Reality TV shows to Binge-watch on Netflix

Coronavirus has kept us inside, and what better way to spend your day than to binge-watch some reality TV. Netflix has really put itself out there with the amount of reality TV shows they have made. It’s everything from pranks, to competitions, to baking, building, and even decorating. Here’s a list of the top shows to binge-watch so you don’t have to spend more time … Continúa leyendo Top Reality TV shows to Binge-watch on Netflix