Cambio climático y medio ambiente

Las Naciones Unidas anunciaron  el Decenio de las Ciencias Oceánicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible durante un evento virtual liderado por la UNESCO. El secretario Antonio Guterres declaró “Para 2050, puede haber más plástico que peces en el mar. Y todos los arrecifes de coral tropicales del mundo podrían estar muertos a finales de siglo si no actuamos ahora. La protección y la gestión sostenible de … Continúa leyendo Cambio climático y medio ambiente

UN Mechanism for Sanitation and Hygiene in the Poorest Regions.

The coronavirus pandemic has emphasized the vital role of sanitation and hygiene to prevent the spread of disease and has also marked the great inequalities that exist in access to these services. The COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences of the measures to try to mitigate it have left a grim outlook on Latin America: millions of cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths, jobs in … Continúa leyendo UN Mechanism for Sanitation and Hygiene in the Poorest Regions.

Trump’s USA says goodbye to the Paris climate agreement

First of all! What is the Paris climate agreement or why is it related to the SDG’S? On December 12 2015, at COP 21 in Paris Parties to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) reached a landmark agreement to combat climate change, to accelerate , to intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future. This agreement brings together … Continúa leyendo Trump’s USA says goodbye to the Paris climate agreement

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

They are also known as the global goals, and they were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. They are 17 SDG’S all in different areas but with the same purpose, to make this planet better for ourselves and next … Continúa leyendo What are the Sustainable Development Goals?