Get rid of your Period Cramps!

BY ARANTZA GONZÁLEZ LECHUGA Do you suffer from excruciating menstrual pain? The intensity of menstrual cramps varies in each woman, and some of them feel them more intensely than others. Usually people feel cramping just before or at the time the bleeding starts in each cycle. They usually last 1-3 days. They may start out strong and then get better as the hours go by, … Continúa leyendo Get rid of your Period Cramps!

Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists

It’s women’s month and we should totally be supporting our female actresses. So here is a few movies and series with amazing actresses. This list we’ll be separated in categories so you can pick your favorite genre to watch. 1.- Divergent (2014) Our amazing actress Shailene Woodley plays a hardcore girl named Tris, she lives in a world where people are divided in categories called … Continúa leyendo Amazing Series & Movies with Female Protagonists