Generals and Drug Trafficking

On October 15, the DEA finally found this mysterious figure who was nicknamed «The Godfather». Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, a former secretary of national defense during the last six-year term of Enrique Peña Nieto. Cienfuegos is known for using his power to grow his own cartel and fight other cartels with the Mexican army. There is also talk of the possible alliance between Cienfuegos and Peña Nieto, where Peña Nieto will now be investigated to find evidence.

The judge assigned to Cienfuegos has said that he will not be released on bail, offering a bail of $750,000. Obviously the judge’s fear is that Cienfuegos will escape to Mexico to protect himself from the US law.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had said a few a weeks earlier that he wanted to clean the whole goverment from corruption and that he would punish everyone who is found guilty. Nowadays it is hard to believe this, when we know that even the most important general of the mexican army was corrupted. How can we guarantee that our army is fighting with us and not with them?

Of course this event brought discontent to some mexican politicians like to Marcelo Ebrard, secretary of foreign affairs, who said that he is not happy with the US government because they never said something about this investigation to the mexican government. AMLO, said that he will not be involved until the election days are over in the US.

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