
Why should we read about them?

First of all, you don’t need to believe in all they express about you. But I think that it is very interesting to identify with them. And you can even learn more about yourself, they are very universal and can help you understand things that science can’t explain. Horoscopes give you that ego that we all look for.

Let’s start with the Daily Horoscopes 2020. The Astro Twins forecast every zodiac sign’s horoscope for today. Find out if the moon’s position presents any new opportunities, if todays’ the day to take a chance on love, or if you should be questioning an important relationships’ motives.

Pisces February 19 – March 20

As great and satisfying as instant gratification may feel in the moment, that’s equal to how much buyer’s remorse you will likely feel after things settle into place. Especially if you’re considering purchasing something beyond your budget, you could wind up with a serious case of regret. Try to resist—everything—today, Pisces, as the impulsive Aries moon opposes rational Mercury across your financial axis. If necessary, dish out some tough love on yourself, and try to find a suitable “next best thing” to mollify you.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

You might need to let someone know you’re no longer interested in working together today—and it won’t be easy! The rash Aries moon would rather just walk away than talk it out, but because it’s opposing communication planet Mercury (retrograde) in your honest-to-a-fault ninth house, it’s going to turn out better if you suck it up and speak your truth even if one of you has to endure a little embarrassment.

Aquarius Horoscopes

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Don’t let water-cooler chatter or even light banter get in your way of wrapping up a big project or meeting a deadline at work. While you don’t want to get a rep as all work and no play, there’s a time for friendliness and a time for keeping your nose affixed to the grindstone. Today limit your interactions and keep it professional. You can go the chatty route next week.

Capricorn Horoscopes

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Don’t let others bring you down or prevent you from bringing your A-game today, Archer. You may be forced to rely on colleagues (or a software program) more than your indie-spirited sign is comfortable with. Let people hear your unique and authentic message!

Sagittarius Horoscopes

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Stop, wait, observe! Today’s a better day to bear witness than jump into the fray, so hold your thoughts, your tongue and yourself back when you’re feeling a reaction welling up. With the impulsive Aries moon clashing with Mercury (retrograde) in your subterranean twelfth house, acting without seriously considering the fallout will probably not turn out well. If you’ve been trying to come up with a game plan for a new initiative of your own, this is a good time to get the feedback of someone who’s “been there and done that!”

scorpio horoscopes

Libra September 23 – October 22

Normally you’re the picture of diplomacy, Libra, but with Mercury in your sign, you could be a little off your game. And today, as the messenger planet faces off with the rash Aries moon in your relationship realm, one or both of you might be acting out of stubbornness or even unspoken fear. But until you broach the subject, it’s all guesswork. So take the high road and, as gently as possible, initiate a conversation around this subject.

libra horoscopes

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Money or other practical issues might hijack your thoughts under today’s face-off of the rash Aries moon and your ruler, analytical Mercury (retrograde), across your financial axis. It’s important that you pay attention and keep up with your bills, but you don’t want to get obsessed with something you have little to control over. Take care of whatever you can, and if something is “above your pay grade,” humble thyself and call a pro to talk you through it.

virgo horoscopes

Leo July 23 – August 22

Mind what comes tumbling out of your mouth today, Leo. In your head, those thoughts might sound innocuous, yet once they’re uttered, they could come with more of a sting or snark than you intend. To avoid that, think long and hard before you utter anything remotely edgy.

Leo Horoscopes

Cancer June 21 – July 22

Your ruler, the moon, is in pioneering Aries and your career corner today, which can pour jet fuel in your motivational tanks. And while you can make an impressive advancement, don’t think you have to keep it “strictly business.” La luna is in a challenging opposition with chatty Mercury (retrograde) in your foundational fourth house. Take a little time before any professional interaction to ask personal questions and have some authentic conversation.

Cancer Horoscopes

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Thanks to a clash between the impulsive Aries moon in your friendship sector and your ruler, Mercury (retrograde) in your fifth house of passion and drama, you might find yourself crushing on someone slightly inappropriate. Single Geminis should proceed with caution, getting to actually know this person instead projecting dewy qualities on them. Attached? Don’t even go there! Distract and redirect, and trust that clarity around your loyalty returns as soon as Mercury straightens out next week.

Gemini  Horoscopes

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Certain feelings might be getting triggered, yet you can’t quite put words to them. Don’t worry about that, Bull. La luna is opposing rational Mercury (retrograde) in your health-focused sixth house. Let yourself experience the inner sensations, but if you can’t quite make sense of them, that’s okay. If you work with a therapist or coach you might benefit from talking it through with them.

Taurus  Horoscopes

Aries March 21 – April 19

You may think you know how someone else is feeling or what they’re thinking, but until you have an actual conversation, you’re operating on assumptions. Thanks to today’s unblinking stare-down between the moon in your sign and communicator Mercury (retrograde) in your dynamic duos house, you might be forced to have a conversation that reveals what’s really going on. The truth can be awkward to try to get it, but once you do, it also can set you free.

Aries Horoscopes

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