Oregon decriminalizes hard drugs

Oregon became the first state in the USA to allow the use of hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. All this is because they think that instead of sending addicts to jail a better solution could be to help them by therapy.

I think that if it is done in a good way it could help a lot to people who are unfortunately addicted to these substances, if we take into account that the number of heroin addicts has increased in recent years (2002 / 215,000 addicted people- 2016 / 630,000 addicted people)

They also allowed the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms for people suffering from depression, addiction or anxiety. Since it has been shown that with the help of professionals hallucinogenic mushrooms can be of great help to treat all these problems.

And this is a conversation that we should start having, since practically in all states of the United States they already allow the use of marijuana, and if more people talk about this topic, the more likely it is that in other countries they will start to do the same.

And in the case of Mexico, imagine if marijuana were legalized, how many lives would be saved?

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