Another killing in the hands of the police

Mario Gonzales, a 26 year old man who died on April 19th after officers handcuffed him and pinned him to the grounds for more than five minutes which resulted in his death. The reason this has become relevant again is because The Northern California Police department released the bodycam footage just yesterday in which we can see officers talking calmly to Gonzalez in a park … Continúa leyendo Another killing in the hands of the police


Every year, the United States is the victim of endless shootings by unconscious people with a wide range of knowledge regarding the subject of weapons. Despite this, the regulations regarding the possession of weapons are not adequate, that is why year after year the president in charge tries to make some changes regarding the laws and regulations of the possession of weapons. A new massacre … Continúa leyendo NO MORE RIFLES!

The New Era Of Joe Biden

Joe Biden is officially the new president of the United States. On his first day in office he has changed America utterly and not at all. Based on his values, his choice of people on his team and his presidential inauguration, Biden has shown that America is in a new direction. On the presidential inauguration, Biden bowed his head showing respect to all the COVID-19 … Continúa leyendo The New Era Of Joe Biden

Here’s What Biden Did On His First Day In Office

Just as President Joe Biden sworn into office on Inauguration Day, he signed 15 executive actions, undoing some of former President Trump’s policies. Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, told reporters President-elect Joe Biden planned to sign 17 executive actions, addressing climate change, the COVID-19 crisis, racial justice and the economy. The 15 signed actions include: A mandate for masks and social distancing on all … Continúa leyendo Here’s What Biden Did On His First Day In Office

In-N-Out: Are they the best hamburgers in the world?

In-n-out is a very famous hamburger chain in the United States which is quite exclusive since there are only about 300 branches and for such a famous restaurant, 300 branches is nothing. It started in California and now has branches in Arizona, Nevada and Utah. It was founded in 1948 by Harry Snyder and Esther Snyder. I personally have never tried these burgers but people … Continúa leyendo In-N-Out: Are they the best hamburgers in the world?

Who has a more serious project for the next world cup? The American or Mexican national team?

The two teams are dubbed the «giants» of concacaf, with a generational shift ahead, which team sees the future brighter? With the United States out of the last World Cup, the Stars and Stripes team hit rock bottom and had to start from scratch, which Mexico has not yet been able to do. As the wise men say, the future lies with the young and … Continúa leyendo Who has a more serious project for the next world cup? The American or Mexican national team?